So, with Pootie gone, we thought we'd give Sula a few months of the run of the house before we get more kitties to ruin her life. She always showed a disdain of Pootie (or so we interpreted), so we figured she'd appreciate it.
Within a few days of Pootie taking off, Sula started meowling at night. That repetitive, loud meow that she does after we move, when she's all stressed out about the change. She's been doing it at least once a day/night for a week. So, the family went to the animal shelter and found us some kittens.
We got two because Sula isn't getting any younger, and we wanted them to have someone to play with when she kicks the bucket. To put it delicately.
Pascal is the boy's name, and the first two pictures. We love his little mustache mark. He's showing himself to be the adventurous one, and only one day in, already wants out of the office to the rest of the house. [
We ensconced them in one room so they had less to digest right off the bat, as well as to quarantine their kennel cough for a few more days of antibiotic treatments before we expose them to Sula.]
The soft grey [
technically a blue I am told as I type this] lady with the white nose is Muriel. We are going to rename her something old-timey and glamorous, because she's already showing herself to be a bit... glamorous. A bit princessy.

Enjoy getting up to date on the cats in the world,